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Sydney University Medical Graduates 1978 Year Book.
Monday, August 11, 2008
Edward Howe
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Richard Abbott
Terri Anderson (Peters)
Douglas Frederick Arndt
Eileen Arndt (nee Brady)
Nicholas Athanasou
Timothy Burt
Andrew Byrne
Michael Campbell-Smith
Jeremy Coleman
Christine Coleman
Maureen Corrigan
Luciano Dalla Pozza
Lucy Dalla Pozza (nee Diorio)
John deLauney
George Dracos
Janette Eriksson
David Farrar
Robert Finlayson
Martin Gellatley
Irene Giam
Michael GIblin
Judith Gillis
Anne Gilroy
Allan Glanville
Ann Glanville (nee Robinson)
Lucia Glumac
Jonathan Grassby
Mark Henschke
Karin Herbstein
Cecelia Hooper
Kerry Horadam
Edward Howe
Jalaludin Badrudin
John Jarzynski
Paul Jones
Stephen Jurd
Michael Kefaloukos
Julie Kibby (nee Davidson)
Stella Kingston
Val Kirychenko
George Kourtesis
Mary Laird
Bronwyn Jan Lee
Gregory Lee
Hank Shing Yiu Lee
John Lee
Soo Khim Lo
Ronald Lopert
Clive Lovell
John Primrose
Peter Malcolm
James Markos
Gregory Marks
Katrina Marshall
Margaret McCluskie
Lyn McKenzie (Hammond)
Raymond McKinley
Richard McLean
Joseph McMahon
Michael Mock
Gary Murdoch
Zelko Mustac
Rita Newmann
Michael O'Halloran
Patricia Pendergast
Diane Phillpot
Leah Port (nee Sonnabend)
John Primrose
Ian Rewell
Mark Robertson
Howard Roby
David Rowed
Antony Sangster
Rosemary Sheehy
Lynette Starr
Ingrid Rieger
Clifford Sterling
Lynda Stevens
Ian Stokes
Gregory Trevaskis
Peter Vandyke
Christopher Walker
Robert Ware
Geoffrey Whyte
Janet Widmer
Judith Woolley (Stokes)
Geoffrey Zeilic
Helen Zorbas